Fantasma y Maíz Dulce, Patrones Halloween Amigurumi Español


patron gratis amigurumi fantasma maíz dulce español

Halloween se acerca muy rápido y todas las personas tejedoras están muy entusiasmadas! ¿Te gusta Halloween? 
La verdad para algunos es una fecha un poco polémica porque lamentablemente no conocen el real origen de esta festividad. Muchas personas la relacionan con el Diablo, cosa que no podía estar más errada, pues los Celtas. que originaron la fiesta, no creían en él. El Diablo es parte del Cristianismo, y ellos no tenían esas creencias.  Ellos simplemente celebraban el fin de la cosecha o Samhain. La barrera del más allá y el más acá se hacía más estrecha durante el mismo y ellos se vestían con máscaras grotescas para ahuyentar a los malos espíritus que podían pasar a la tierra. Esa noche también los fallecidos visitaban a sus familias, por eso la costumbre era dejar alimentos para que ellos pudieran disfrutarlos.
¡Es por eso que durante Halloween nos disfrazamos y pedimos dulces! ¿Y qué mejor que un fantasmita y un maíz dulce (candy corn) para celebrar? ¡Acá les dejo sus patrones!
PATRONES GRATUITOS diseño de María Paz Jélvez Herrera (BlondieAmigurumis). Si los tejes por favor dame el crédito etiquetándome en RRSS. Si quieres compartir este patrón, simplemente comparte el link. No saques screenshots. Está prohibido el uso de este patrón para hacer talleres, tutoriales de Youtube, CALs, retos, etc, sin mi autorización. Por favor NO LO TRADUZCAS sin mi autorización.
Puedes vender muñecos terminados con este patrón.

Los tamaños finales de ambos son 6 cms en caso de que uses un material similar al mío.


  • Hilo blanco, amarillo y naranja. Yo usé una mezcla de algodón y acrílico (Dulce Algodón en Chile, Jeans de YarnArt).
  • Hilo de bordar negro
  • Hilo de bordar rosado
  • Ojos de seguridad de 9mm
  • Aguja de lana
  • Crochet (ganchillo) de 2,75mm
  • Marcador de puntos
  • Relleno (algodón sintético)


am: anillo mágico
pb: punto bajo
pa: punto alto
pe: punto enano o deslizado
aum: aumento
dism: disminución
( )xnro: repetir cantidad de veces.
(x): número de puntos al final de la vuelta
cad: cadeneta (cadena)



Con blanco

1. 6pb en am (6)
2. 6aum (12)
3. (pb, aum)x6 (18)
4. (2pb, aum)x6 (24)
5. (3pb, aum)x6 (30)
6 - 12. (7 vueltas) 30pb (30)
13. (1 vuelta) 30pb tejiendo en la vuelta de adelante (30)
14. (pe en siguiente, 3pa en sgte, pe en sgte)x10 Debe quedar con una forma ondeada abajo.
Insertar ojos entre las vueltas 7 y 8 con 4 puntos de separación.

Parte de abajo

Insertar ganchillo en el primer punto de las hebras de atrás sobrantes de la vuelta 13 del cuerpo:
1. (2pb, dism)x6 (18), rellenar
2. (pb, dism)x6 (12)
3. 6dism (6)


Con blanco
1. 6pb en am (6)
2. (1 vuelta) 6pb (6)
Aplastar y tejer juntos los puntos contrarios (3)
Coser al cuerpo.

Hacer detalles con hilo de bordar negro (cejas, boca, detalles de los ojos), con rosado borda las mejillas abajo de los ojos.

CANDY CORN (maíz dulce)

Comenzar con amarillo:
1. 11cad, comenzar en la segunda cad desde el ganchillo, 9pb, 3pb en el mismo punto, continuar al otro lado, 8pb, aum (22)
2. aum, 8pb, 3aum, 8pb, 2aum (28)
3. (1 vuelta) 28pb (28)
4. 24pb marcar el último punto como el inicio de la vuelta. Cambiar de color a naranja.
5. 2pb, dism, 12pb, dism, 10pb (26)
6. (1 vuelta) 26pb (26)
7. 2pb, dism, 10pb, dism, 10pb (24)
8. (4pb, dism)x4 (20)
9. (1 vuelta) 20pb (20)
Insertar ojos entre las vueltas 6 y 7 con 3 puntos de separación.
10. (3pb, dism)x4 (16). Cambiar de color a blanco.
11. (1 vuelta) 16pb (16)
12. (2pb, dism)x4 (12)
13. 6dism (6)

Con hilo de bordar negro haz los detalles (cejas, boca, detalles de los ojos), con rosado borda las mejillas abajo de los ojos.

¡Y LISTO! Tu fantasmita y tu maíz dulce están listos! Recuerda etiquetarme si los tejes! En instagram usa @blondieamigurumis y en Facebook, @Blondieamigurumis Chile.
Muchas gracias por tejer este patrón! Recuerda que si quieres compartirlo debes hacerlo directamente con este link.



amigurumi patrón fantasma maíz dulce

Ghost and Candy Corn Halloween Crochet Amigurumi Pattern in English.


Halloween is around the corner and all crocheters very excited about this! Do you like Halloween?

Well, it is a controversial topic for some, because unfortunately some people haven't really learned about the real origin of this holiday. Many people think it has to do with the Devil, but it doesn't, because the Celts did not believe in the Devil. The Devil is part of the Christianity and they did not believe on that. They just simply celebrated the end of the harvest season, the Samhain.  The boundary between our world and the Otherworld thinned so spirits or fairies could enter this world. They disguised and wore masks and offered food to the soul of the dead that visited them that night.

This is why people disguise and ask for candy.! 

Let's celebrate by crocheting a little ghost and a candy corn!! Here are their patterns!!

THESE ARE FREE PATTERNS. Design by María Paz Jélvez Herrera (BlondieAmigurumis). If you crochet them, please credit me by tagging me on your social media. if you want to share these patterns, please share the link. Do not take screenshots. Using this pattern for workshops, Youtube tutorials, CALs, etc without my permission is prohibited. Please DO NOT TRANSLATE IT without my permission.

The final size of these dolls is 6cm (2.5 inches approx), if made with a similar yarn I used.


  • White, yellow and orange yarn.  I used a yarn similar to YarnArt Jeans.
  • Black and pink  embroidery floss
  • 9mm safety eyes
  • Yarn needle
  • 2,75mm crochet hook
  • Stitch marker
  • Fiberfill


mr: magic ring
sc: single crochet
dc: double crochet
sl st: slip stitch
FLO: Front loops only
inc: increase
dec: decrease
( )xnumber: repeat x times.
(x): number of stitches at the end of the round.
ch: chain



Use white

1. 6sc in mr (6)
2. 6inc (12)
3. (sc, inc)x6 (18)
4. (2sc, inc)x6 (24)
5. (3sc, inc)x6 (30)
6 - 12. (7 rounds) 30sc (30)
13. (1 round) 30sc, working FLO(30)
14. (sl st in next , 3dc in next, sl st in next)x10 It will have a wavy shape below.
Attach eyes between rounds 7 and 8 with 4 stitches between them. 


Insert the hook on the unworked back loops of round 13:
1. (2sc, dec)x6 (18), stuff
2. (sc, dec)x6 (12)
3. 6dec (6)
Finish off.


Use white
1. 6ac in mr (6)
2. (1 round) 6sc (6)
Flatten and work on opposite stitches 3sc (3)
Sew arms to the body.

Make details with the black embroidery floss such as  eyebros, mouth, eye details) and with pink make the cheeks under the eyes.


Start with yellow:
1. 11ch, starting on the second ch from hook, 9sc, 3sc on the same stitch, continue on the opposite side, 8sc, inc (22)
2. inc, 8sc, 3inc, 8sc, 2inc (28)
3. (1 round) 28sc (28)
4. 24sc this will be the new beginning of each round. Change to orange
5. 2sc, dec, 12sc, dec, 10sc (26)
6. (1 round) 26sc (26)
7. 2sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 10sc (24)
8. (4sc, dec)x4 (20)
9. (1 round) 20sc (20)
Attach the eyes between rounds 6 and 7 with 3 stitches between them.
10. (3sc, dec)x4 (16). Change to white.
11. (1 round) 16sc (16)
12. (2sc, dec)x4 (12)
13. 6dec (6)
Finish off

Make details with the black embroidery floss such as  eyebrows, mouth, eye details) and with pink make the cheeks under the eyes.

AND YOU'RE READY! Your little ghost and candy corn are ready! Remember to tag me if you make them! On Instagram use @blondieamigurumis and on Facebook, @Blondieamigurumis Chile.
Thank you so much for crocheting using these patterns! Remember to share them directly using this link!.

Happy crocheting!


Squid Game Doll Amigurumi Pattern in English


Amigurumi Squid Game Doll Free Pattern Crochet

Hi! It's me again!! This time, I wanted to present you the pattern for the "Sweet" doll from Netflix's Squid Game. 

I watched the series on September 18th and I NEVER thought it was going to be so popular! In fact, when I made the soldier (you can find its pattern here) I did it because I liked it and I never expected people to like it that much! I would like to thank all the people who used my pattern and made a huge army of pink soldiers. I've had so much fun seeing all those photos !

The final size of the doll is 8 inches (20cm), but size may vary if you use a different yarn.

THIS IS A FREE PATTERN.  Crochet design by María Paz Jélvez Herrera (Blondieamigurumis)
If you want to share this pattern please do it directly sharing the link of this entry, unless you have an accound that shares patterns massively. Do not obtain followers thanks to my work. Taking screenshots, translating this pattern, making challenges or CALs, YouTube videos or online videos without my permission is absolutely prohibited.

You might sell finished dolls made with this pattern. If you share your work on social media, please tag me as the pattern designer. Remember that you must use your own photo and not mine to advertise yourself. Don't trick your clients.


  • Light nude, orange, yellow, dark brown and white cotton yarn.
  • White, black, purple and pink embroidery floss.
  • Brown or black sewing thread.
  • Sewing needle
  • Small purple pearls (optional)
  • 10mm safety eyes
  • 2,5mm crochet hook
  • Yarn needle
  • Fiberfill
  • Stitch Marker
  • Scissors


MR: magic ring
sc: single crochet
hdc: half double crochet
hdc inc: half double crochet increase
dc: double crochet
sl st: slip stitch
BLO: back loops only
FLO: front loops only
(  )x number: repeat x times
(number): number of stitches at the end of the round

This pattern is worked in spiral, unless told otherwise.


Make 2, do not cut the yarn on the second leg, for we will continue working on the body.
Stuff as you go
Use brown:
1. 6sc in MR (6)
2: 6inc (12)
3: (1 round) 12sc (12) 
Change to white
4: 3sc, 3dec, 3sc (9)
5 - 12: (8 rounds) 9sc (9)
Change to nude
13: (1 round) 9sc BLO (9)
14 -20: (7 rounds): 9sc (9)
Cut the yarn only on the first leg. Continue with body on the second leg.


Stuff as you go
Change to white
21: 5sc, 3ch, join to the last stitch of the other leg, 9sc, 3sc in ch, 9sc, 3sc in ch (24)
22- 24: (3 rounds) 24sc (24)
Change to orange
25 - 26 (2 rounds) 24sc (24)
27: 4sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 7sc (22)
28 - 29 (2 rounds) 22sc (22)
30: 3sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 6sc (20)
31: (1 round) 20sc BLO (20)
32: 4sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 5sc (18)
33: (1 round) 18sc (18)
Change to yellow
34: (1 round) 18sc BLO (18)
35: (sc, dec)x6 (12)
Change to nude
36: (2sc, dec)x3 (9)
37: (1 round) 9sc (9)
Do not cut the yarn and continue on head


Continue from body
38: (2sc, inc)x3 FLO (12)
39: (sc, inc)x6 (18)
40: (2sc, inc)x6 (24)
41: (3sc, inc)x6 (30)
42: (4sc, inc)x6 (36)
43: (5sc, inc)x6 (42)
44 - 52: (9 rounds) 42sc (42)
Attach eyes between rounds 46 and 47  with 7 stitches between them
53: (5sc, dec)x6 (36)
54: (4sc, dec)x6 (30)
55: (3sc, dec)x6 (24)
Stuff firmly
56: (2sc, dec)x6 (18)
57: (sc, dec)x6 (12)
58: 6dec (6)
Finish off


1: 5sc in MR (5)
Cut a long yarn to sew the ears at the level of the eyes with 4 stitches apart from them.

Shirt collar:

Use yellow
2ch, 3sc on the second chain, 12 ch, 3sc on the second ch from hook. 
Cut the yarn and sew it to the neck.


Use nude
Make 2
Do not stuff
1: 6sc in MR
2 -12 (11 rounds) 6sc (6)
Change to yellow
13: (1 round) 6sc (6)
Cut a long yarn that will be useful to sew the arm to the body


Using yellow and with the the arm aiming upwards, insert the hook on the front loops of the last round of the arm:
1: 5sc, inc (7)
2 - 4 (3 rounds) 7sc (7)
Finish off.


Use orange
With the doll's legs aiming upwards, start working on the front loops left on round 31 of the body:
1: 20sc around (20), close with sl st
2: 2 ch, (4hdc, hdc inc)x4 (24), close with sl st
3: 2 ch (1 round) 24hdc (24), close with sl st
4: 2ch (3hdc, hdc inc)x6 (30), close with sl st
5 - 7: 2 ch (3 rounds) 30hdc, close with sl st on each round.
8: 2 ch (4hdc, hdc inc)x6 (36), close with sl st
9: 2 ch (1 round) 36hdc, close with sl st
Finish off

Dress hem and straps:

Use orange
With the head of the doll aiming upwards, start working on the front loops left on round 34. Attach the hook on the back of the doll next to the arm that is on your left:

6ch, attach to the chest and work 8sl st, 6ch,  continue on the back and work 6sl st.
Cut yarn and finish off.


Use dark brown:
1: 6sc in MR (6)
2: 6inc (12)
3: (sc, inc)x6 (18)
4: (2sc, inc)x6 (24)
5: (3sc, inc)x6 (30)
6: (4sc, inc)x6 (36)
7: (5sc, inc)x6 (42)
8 - 12: (5 rounds) 42sc (42)
9: 18hdc, 2sl st, 20dc, 2sl st (42)

Sew to the head. The hdc stitches must go on the forehead.


Make 2
Use dark brown:
1: 4sc in MR (4)
2: 4inc (8)
3: (1 round) 8sc (8)
4: 2inc, sc, 2dec, sc (8)
5: sc, 2inc, sc, 2dec (8)
6: sc, 2inc, sc, 2dec (8)
Cut yarn and sew to the head, see photos.

Final details:

Using white embroidery floss, embroider the eyes detail, use black to make the eyelashes and eyebrows. Use pink to make the cheeks and using nude make a small nose in the middle of the eyes. With purple, embroider the Squid Game symbol on her head. See photo.

Finally, use black or brown sewing thread to sew the purple pearls around the pigtails. If you don't have pearls, you can to this by just embroidering with purple floss.

And you doll is ready!!!!!!

If you crochet her, don't forget to tag me on your social media! Use the hashtag #blondieamigurumis; on instagram use @blondieamigurumis and on facebook, @Blondieamigurumis Chile. If you have any questions, just contact me!

If you wish to share this pattern, please do it directly through this link. If your intention is to gain folllowers and you upload patterns massively, please do not share it. Taking screenshots, translating this pattens, making challenger or CALs without my permission, making YouTube videos or live streamings or workshops is absolutely prohibited.

If you share it on Facebook, please do it directly through the post I have uploaded on my page. Please, do not download this photo and upload it again. On instagram you can share it by clicking on the paper plane below the photo.

Squid Game Doll Amigurumi PAttern