Velvet the Cat, English Pattern

Velvet is a very sweet and friendy cat. He's Jiffy's best friend!

To crochet Velvet you’ll need to follow these instructions:


  • Black and white cotton yarn. You can use another kind of yarn if your wish.
  • 10mm safety eyes (you can use a different size if you use a thicker or thinner yarn)
  • Crochet hook (I used a 2mm one)
  • Yarn needle
  • Black , yellow and pink embroidery floss

MR: magic ring
Sc: single crochet 
inc: increase
dec: decrease
FLO: front loops only
X: repeat
R: round
(...): number of stitches at the end of the round.
ch: chain stitch
sl st: slip stitch

With white, make 2
R 1: 6sc in Mr (6)
R 2: 6inc (12)
R 3 - 4: (2 rounds)12sc (12)
Change to black
R 5 - 16: (12 rounds) 12sc (12)
Fold and crochet both sides together to close with 6sc.

With white (make 2)
On the second leg DO NOT cut the yarn since we will continue with the body.
From now on until head rounds will be counted as a single piece.
R 1. 6sc in Mr (6) 
R 2. (inc)x 6 (12)
R 3. (sc, inc)x 6 (18)
R 4 (1 round) 18 sc (18)
Change to black
R 5-9 (5 rounds) 18sc (18)

Continue from legs. 
With black.
Stuff as you continue
Join both legs with 4ch between them.
R 10. 18sc in leg, 4sc in ch, 18sc in leg, 4sc in ch (44)
R 11-18. (8 rounds ) 44sc (44)
R 19. 9sc, dec, 18sc, dec, 13sc (42)
R 20 -21. (2 Rounds) 42sc (42)
R 22. 9sc, dec, 16sc, dec, 13sc (40)  
R 23. (1 round) 40sc (40)
R 24. 9sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 13sc (38)
R 25 16sc, dec, 18sc, dec (36)
R 26. (4sc, dec)x 6 (30) (remember to stuff as you continue)
R 27. (3sc, dec)x 6 (24)
R 28. Join arms: 2sc, (join 1st arm working on both the arm and the body: dec, 2sc, dec), 2sc, dec, 2sc, dec (join the second arm: 2pb, dism, 2pb), dism (18)
R 29 (1 round) 18sc (18)

Continue from body.
R 30. FLO (2sc, inc)x 6 (24)
R 31. (3sc, inc)x 6 (30)
R 32. 2sc, inc, (4sc, inc)x 5, 2sc (36)
R 33. (5sc, inc)x 6 (42)
R 34. 3sc, inc, (6sc, inc)x 5, 3sc (48) 
R 35. (7sc, inc)x 6 (54)
R 36. 4sc, inc, (8sc, inc)x 5, 4sc (60)
R 37 – 46. (10 rounds) 60sc (60)
R 47. 4sc, dec, (8sc, dec)x 5, 4sc (54) 
R 48. (7sc, dec)x 6 (48)
R 49. 3sc, dec, (6sc, dec)x 5, 3sc (42)
Attach eyes between rounds 38 and 39 with 11 sc between them.
R 50. (5sc, dec)x 6 (36)
Stuff as you continue.
R 51. 2sc, dec, (4sc, dec)x 5, 2sc(30)
R 52. (3sc, dec)x 6 (24)
R 53. 1sc, dec, (2sc, dec)x 5, 1sc(18)
R 54. (1sc, dec)x 6 (12)
R 55. (dec)x 6 (6)
Fasten off and close.

With black, make 2
R 1: 4sc in mr (4)
R 2: 4inc (8)
R 3: (3sc, inc)x2 (10)
R 4: (4sc, inc)x2 (12)
R 5: (5sc, inc)x2 (14)
R 6: (6sc, inc)x2 (16)
R 7: (1 round) 16sc (16)
Sew between rounds 43 and 50.

With black:
R 1: 6sc in mr (6)
R 2: (2sc, inc)x 2 (8)
R 3 - 12: 10 rounds) 8sc (8)

With white:
Do not work in spyral, close each round.
R 1: 6sc in mr (6), st st in the 1st stitch, ch1
R 2: 6inc (12), sl st in the 1st stitch, ch1
R 3: (sc, inc)x6 (18), sc in 1st stitch.
Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Sew the muzzle between rounds 36 and 41.

Eyes detail:
Using yellow embroidery floss, make the details around the eyes. See images.

Done! You have made Velvet cat!
If you upload it to social media don’t forget to tag me to see it and share it!
If you have any doubts just write me and I’ll be happy to help you!

Remember that this pattern is FREE and shall not be sold. If you see someone selling it, just let me know. 

If you want to share this pattern, do it directly from this site.

Don’t forget to follow me on my social media! 

Gatito Velvet - Patrón en Español

Velvet es un gatito muy tierno y amistoso. Es el mejor amigo de Jiffi la jirafa!

Para tejer a Velvet debes seguir las siguientes instrucciones:


  • Hilo de algodón blanco y negro. Puedes usar otro material si lo deseas.
  • Ojos de seguridad de 10mm (puedes variar su tamaño si utilizas un material más grueso o delgado)
  • Crochet (yo usé uno de 2mm)
  • Aguja de lana
  • Hilo de bordar negro, amarillo y rosado
AM: anillo mágico
Pb: punto bajo
Aum: aumento
Dism: disminución
FLO: tomar sólo la hebra delantera.
X: repetir
V: vuelta
(...): cantidad de puntos al terminar la vuelta.
cad: cadeneta, punto cadena
pe: punto enano/deslizado.

Con blanco, hacer 2
V 1: 6pb en AM
V 2: 6aum (12)
V 3 - 4: (2 vueltas) 12pb (12)
Cambiar a negro
V 5 - 16: (12 vueltas) 12pb (12)
Rellena hasta la mitad
Doblar y tejer ambos lados juntos para cerrar con 6pb.

Con blanco, hacer 2. 
En la segunda NO cortar la hebra, pues con ella se continúa el cuerpo.
Desde aquí hasta la cabeza se contará como sólo una pieza y la cantidad de vueltas será única para todos.
V 1. Tejer 6 puntos en AM (6) 
V 2. (aum)x 6 (12)
V 3. (pb, aum)x 6 (18)
V 4. (1 vuelta) 18 pb (18)
Cambiar a negro
V 5-9 (5 vueltas) 18 pb (18)

Continuar desde patas. 
Con negro
Ir rellenando a medida que se va avanzando. 
Unir ambas patas con 4 cad entre ellas haciendo 4pb antes de unir a la otra pierna.
V 10. 18pb en pata, 4pb en la cadeneta, 18pb en pata, 4pb encadeneta (44)
V 11-18. (8 vueltas) 44pb (44)
V 19. 9pb, dism, 18pb, dism, 13 pb (42)
V 20 -21. (2 vueltas) 42pb (42)
V 22. 9pb, dism, 16pb, dism, 13pb (40)  
V 23. (1 vuelta) 40pb (40)
V 24. 9pb, dism, 14pb, dism, 13pb (38)
V 25 16pb, dism, 18pb, dism (36)
V 26. (4pb, dism)x 6 (30) (recuerda rellenar bien a medida que avanzas)
V 27. (3pb, dism)x 6 (24)
V 28. Unir brazos: 2pb, (unir primer brazo, tejiendo tanto en el brazo como en el cuerpo: dism, 2pb, dism) 2pb, dism, 2pb, dism (unir el segundo brazo: 2pb, dism, 2pb), dism (18)
V 29  (1 vuelta) 18pb (18)

Continuar desde cuerpo.
V 30. FLO (2pb, aum)x 6 (24)
V 31. (3pb, aum)x 6 (30)
V 32. 2pb, aum, (4pb, aum)x 5, 2pb (36)
V 33. (5pb, aum)x 6 (42)
V 34. 3pb, aum, (6pb, aum)x 5, 3pb (48) 
V 35. (7pb, aum)x 6 (54)
V 36. 4pb, aum, (8pb, aum)x 5, 4pb (60)
V 37 – 46. (10 vueltas) 60pb (60)
V 47. 4pb, dism, (8pb, dism)x 5, 4pb (54) 
V 48. (7pb, dism)x 6 (48)
V 49. 3pb, dism, (6pb, dism)x 5, 3pb(42)
Poner ojos entre las vueltas 38 y 39 con 11 puntos de separación.
V 50. (5pb, dism)x 6 (36)
Rellena a medida que avanzas.
V 51. 2pb, dism, (4pb, dism)x 5, 2pb(30)
V 52. (3pb, dism)x 6 (24)
V 53. 1pb, dism, (2pb, dism)x 5, 1pb(18)
V 54. (1pb, dism)x 6 (12)
V 55. (dism)x 6 (6)
Cerrar y rematar.

Con negro, hacer 2
V 1: 4pb en Am (4)
V 2: 4aum (8)
V 3: (3pb, aum)x2 (10)
V 4: (4pb, aum)x2 (12)
V 5: (5pb, aum)x2 (14)
V 6: (6pb, aum)x2 (16)
V 7: (1 vuelta) 16pb (16)
Coser entre las vueltas 43 y 50

Con negro:
V 1: 6pb en Am (6)
V 2: (2pb, 1aum)x2 (8)
V 3 - 12 (10 vueltas) 8pb (8)

Con blanco, trabajaremos en círculos y no en espiral.
V 1: 6pb en Am (6), pe en el primer pb, 1cad
V 2: 6aum (12), pe en el primer pb, 1cad
V 3: (pb, 1aum)x6 (18), pe en el primer pb. Cortar hebra.
Bordar nariz y hocico con hilo rosado y negro. 
Coser hocico entre las vueltas 36 y 41

Detalle ojos: 
Con hilo de bordar amarillo, haz un detalle alrededor de loz ojos. Guíate por las imágenes.

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Este patrón es GRATUITO y por ningún motivo debe ser vendido. Si ves que en algún lugar están vendiéndolo, hazme saber. 

Si quieres compartirlo, copia el link de este sitio. 
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